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Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Diwali! Lets Celebrate The Festival Of Light

Diwali is celebrated across the country with full fervor. This is the occasion when we tend to forget all differences we have with any one; our friends, relatives, everyone for that matter. This is the festival of lights.

According to the Hindu mythology; Dasshera was the day when the good won over the evil. Ram defeated Raavan in an epic battle and rightfully got Sita back. That was the day when again light was spread in the universe.

Diwali is the day when ram along with sita returned back to Ayodhya. Loads of lights were lighted as they both were returning to their home; kingdom after 14 years of exile. And this day is celebrated all over India like no other festival. Hence Diwali is also known as the festival of lights. More Tagged after the break....